16 October 2011

Rosary Musings: Third Luminous Mystery

The Third Luminous Mystery: the Proclamation of the Kingdom of Heaven and the Call to Repentance

It's harder to list just one passage for this, for we see Jesus and the Apostles preaching this at various times throughout the Gospels, and it's something that we are called to continue preaching.  It's one of the harder ones for me to meditate on, at least in part because there isn't just one specific event that jumps out to me.  Well, and because it's not always a comfortable topic on which to meditate.  I know I need to examine myself more and also need to live out my faith more.  I wish I could always follow the quote attributed to St Francis of Assisi, to "preach the gospel at all times, and if necessary use words".  Lord, help me to follow You.

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