28 May 2011


I have a fair amount of willpower.  I don't give in to my every whim or craving and am pretty good at delayed gratification.  Unless, of course, we're talking about the computer.  For quite some time I've told myself that I needed to cut down on my computer time, and in fact I did so during Lent.  Not only do I waste time on the computer, only to then wonder why the housework hasn't been done and why I've not exercised, but I'm not all that nice/patient with the kids.  Kieran also demands to see videos or play games, and while we can have fun doing that, I still wind up being rather impatient.  I'd really like to nip this in the bud sooner rather than later, especially since we hope to have more children, God willing, and I wish to home educate.  Yes, there's a good reason that sloth is one of the seven deadly sins.  *sigh*

As I mentioned, I did cut down during Lent, and I always try to limit my computer time on Sundays.  It isn't a problem if the computer is off completely: the problem is when I turn it on and say I'll be on for just a little while, only to then keep coming back to check things.  I'll tell myself that I'll only get on during naps, or when I'm feeding Charlotte, but it doesn't seem to work for me.  Therefore, I'm just going to have to be stricter with myself.  I'm still going to try to keep the computer off on Sundays (with the exception being if we're getting on Skype to talk to family), and for the other days I'll set certain hours when I can get online.  I'd actually told myself that I needed to set actual hours before, but then I'd say "Oh, I'll write that down later", and it would never happen.  This time, I made myself set the hours when the thought popped into my head.  Maybe now I'll actually stick to my schedule for housework and get back into exercising daily, as well as spending time playing with the kids and reading (both to them and just reading for my own enjoyment).


  1. LOL! I am exactly the same!!! You are not alone... ;)

  2. There is a pay for program I've been tinkering with getting. You set the time allotted that you may be on the internet or the computer, and it will lock you out of the internet or computer for a specific amount of time.

  3. Glad I'm not the only one! I'm not quite ready for a programme like that, Ranter, but we'll see. Usually if I set actual concrete limits, I do fairly well.
