12 September 2012

Giving a Solution Without Identifying the Problem

It seems to me that, when it comes to certain things, people (including some medical professionals) are quick to give a "solution" without first identifying the problem.  Here are just some examples that come to mind:

- Baby isn't gaining weight? Supplement! Yet the cause of the problem, be it tongue tie, lip tie, poor latch, insufficient glandular tissue, etc, isn't always identified before giving the "solution" of artificial milk. Yes, artificial baby milk has a place and can be necessary, but surely the underlying problem should be identified first, if possible, so the mum and baby can get the help and support needed.

- Baby isn't sleeping well? Sleep train, which usually involves cry-it-out (CIO) or controlled crying.  But why is the baby not sleeping? Are the parents' expectations of infant sleep appropriate, does the baby have reflux, night terrors, is the child too warm or cold, etc? Those who know me know I'm absolutely against CIO/controlled crying at all times and think there is always an alternative.  I do know there are times when we have to help our children learn proper sleep behaviors, but there are other resources available, such as The No-Cry Sleep Solution or Dr Jay Gordon's site.  Even then, though, the underlying problem needs to be identified.

- Have irregular/painful/wonky cycles? Go on the pill! Nevermind that this doesn't fix the problem if the problem itself isn't hormonal and doesn't require that specific combination/dosage of hormones.  There are problems which require hormonal treatment, but it seems to me that using bioidentical hormones at the specific levels needed would be better, but of course I'm not a doctor, so this is just my opinion as a laywoman. There are other underlying causes of cycle issues, though, that aren't hormonal.  For some, diet and exercise can help. Red raspberry leaf tea is supposed to help with cramps, and nettle tea with bleeding, but these aren't given as ideas to help.

What other examples do you see of this? I know there are medical professionals who do seek to find the underlying causes before treating, and that is wonderful. I also know that a doctor' time with a patient is limited, and therefore finding the underlying cause can be more difficult in these circumstances. Nevertheless, I wish all did, and I think we should expect this.

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