3 September 2012

Book Nook

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When browsing through the shelves at the library, I spied the book Froggy Plays in the Band by Jonathan London and decided to see how it looked.  After a quick perusal, I thought it looked fine and so I asked Charlotte for her opinion.  She was quite excited to get it, and so to the counter we went.  As is often the case when we visit the library, the kids enjoy reading the books immediately upon returning home, and this was no exception.  What we found was a very cute story of a ragtag band formed by Froggy and his friends, who are all determined to win the prize.  It's a little young for Kieran's interest, but perfect for Charlotte right now.  Better yet is that it meets my approval, since I'm quite particular about books.  I'd recommend picking it up if you have a chance.

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